Categories University

Higher School of Insurance and Finance

Higher School of Insurance and Finance: Shaping the Future of Financial Professionals The Higher School of Insurance and Finance, located in Sofia, Bulgaria, is a prestigious institution of higher education specializing in insurance, finance, and risk management. Established in 2001,…

Categories University

National Sports Academy Vasil Levski

National Sports Academy Vasil Levski: Empowering Champions on and off the Field The National Sports Academy Vasil Levski, located in Sofia, Bulgaria, is a prestigious institution of higher education specializing in sports science, physical education, and coaching. Established in 1942,…

Categories University

Vysoká škola logistiky

Vysoká škola logistiky: Nurturing Logistics Excellence Vysoká škola logistiky, also known as the University of Logistics, is a prestigious institution of higher education located in the Czech Republic. Established with the aim of providing a comprehensive education in the field…